Call for Submissions
We are thrilled to announce the open call for submissions to Our Kind, an independent magazine exploring the human experience through literature and art.
Submissions are open to writers, artists, and photographers from anywhere in the world, with no restrictions on nationality or location.
Participants are invited to submit their original creations for consideration. The editorial team will carefully review all submissions. While we appreciate and value every contribution, publication is not guaranteed. Depending on the volume of submissions, communication and publication timelines may vary.
Submission Guidelines
All texts will be published in English. We encourage creators to submit their works in both the original language and an English translation, as this reflects the multicultural ethos of Our Kind.
For Text Submissions:
Format: Word document, Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing.
File name: [Category][Author Name][Title]
For Visual Art Submissions:
Format: JPG, PNG, or PDF in the highest resolution available.
File name: [Category][Author Name][Title]
Include a Word document with details about the pieces (title, medium, materials, and motivation). If the project requires a specific composition or layout, you may include a presentation outlining your vision.
Submission Email:
All submissions must be sent to with the subject line formatted as:
[Category][Type of Work][Author Name]_[Title]
Blog_Essay_Mary T_From Twilight to TikTok Dark Romance
Magazine_Painting_Tomas C_Flowers in the Park
Fanzine_Poetry Collection_Camila R_Silent Song
Email Requirements
Please include the following in the body of your email:
Full name.
Name to be published (pseudonym, artistic name, or anonymous). If not specified, the full name will be used.
Title of the submission.
A brief description of yourself, your artistic process, or your creative journey.
Acknowledgment of Submissions
Our Kind commit to reading all submissions, and will confirm receipt of your submission after verifying compliance with the guidelines. If any issues are found, you will be asked to resubmit your work following the stated instructions.
Once the submission period ends, all entries will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee. Authors of selected works will be notified. Please note that acknowledgment of receipt does not guarantee publication.
A fanzine is a small, self-contained publication that serves as a space for focused creative expression. In Our Kind, the fanzine category offers contributors the opportunity to present a cohesive collection of work, such as short stories, poetry collections, visual art series, or comics.
Who is it for? Artists and writers with a strong, unified concept they wish to explore in-depth.
What we’re looking for:
Creative Writing: Short fiction or nonfiction pieces, microfiction, poetry collections, comics, dialogues, or short story compilations. (Theme: Open)
Visual Art: Collections of at least 5 pieces, including collage, painting, photography, digital illustration, or sculpture. Submissions must include a short text describing the motivation and materials behind the project. (Theme: Open)
Our Kind Magazine is the heart of our publication, featuring an eclectic mix of long form stories, essays, and visual art that reflect on the experience of being human in the present. It's a collaboration between authors around a theme selected by the Editorial Committee.
Who is it for? Writers and artists exploring profound and universal themes tied to human existence in a long format (max 3 pages).
What we’re looking for:
Writing: Fiction or nonfiction reflecting on the human experience. Maximum length: 4 pages.
Visual Art: Collections of at least 10 pieces exploring the human experience. Mediums may include photography, painting, collage, sculpture, or digital art. Submissions must include a short text describing the motivation and materials behind the project.
The blog offers contributors a dynamic platform for contemporary discussions, analysis, and recommendations. It’s an ideal space for creatives and critics to reflect on modern culture and art.
Who is it for? Writers with strong analytical or critical voices who want to explore current trends or recommend outstanding work.
What we’re looking for: Literary critiques, essays, reviews of contemporary (2000 onwards) music, books, films, television, theater, or fanfiction. You can also recommend artists or share your own artistic journey. Maximum length: 1000 words.
Become One of Our Kind
Are you interested in gaining experience in editing, social media management or graphic design? Our Kind is currently offering volunteer and internship opportunities.
Fill out our form or send your CV to to get involved.